Make An Appointment Now To Update Your Financial Plan

January 26, 2017

We have rung in the new year and 2017 is on its way! We often see January as a time for fresh starts, new goals, and renewed motivation. New Year’s resolutions usually lead people to purchase gym memberships or pledge to spend more time with family and friends, but have you thought about making your finances a priority in 2017?

As you reevaluate and set new goals for your life, this is the ideal time to focus on your financial plan and get on track for 2017.

What Are the Benefits of a Financial Plan?

Why do we create strategies and plans for our lives? Because without a plan, we are shooting at a target blindfolded. A plan gives us something to aim for, something to keep in the forefront of our minds as we go about our daily lives. A financial plan incorporates immediate and long-term goals to transition you from where you are today to where you want to be in the days to come. Having a plan will help you get on track for your retirement so you can focus on today instead of worrying about tomorrow.

A Plan to Increase Wealth

Did you know that while approximately 96% of pre-retirees and 89% of retirees are concerned about their financial future, only 50% meet with a financial advisor to discuss their situation? (1) Meeting with an advisor doesn’t only give you confidence and peace of mind, it provides real results! The data presented in an HSBC study on the future of retirement shows us that those who created a financial plan amassed nearly 250% more retirement savings than those without a plan. Now are you convinced you need a plan? (2)

Don’t Worry About the Details

Furthermore, having an advisor on your financial support team means that you also have someone to take care of details that might go overlooked or seem overwhelming, such as tax strategies, risk management, or estate planning. You may think you don’t have enough money to benefit from having a financial advisor, but those who plan for their financial future are more prepared for their retirement, and this is true regardless of what you make. (3)

So, what can you expect from a financial plan?

Your Financial Plan

Do you know what a financial plan entails? It involves much more than just investing in an IRA or putting some money aside for your child’s education. When we sit down to analyze your individual needs, here are some questions we will discuss:

  • Are you on track for retirement?
  • Could you benefit from estate planning?
  • Do you have adequate insurance coverage?
  • Is there too much risk in your portfolio?
  • Are you paying too much in fees?
  • Have you considered succession planning for your business?
  • Are there simple ways to reach your goals quicker?

We look at the whole picture to ensure that your financial health is top-notch.



